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Improve How You Deliver In-person Feedback

Here are eight ways to ensure people hear what you're saying

As return-to-office policies take hold and fully flexible work arrangements decline, employees are re-adapting to in-person interactions. One of the biggest challenges? Giving and receiving constructive feedback.

Unlike praise, constructive feedback highlights areas for improvement—a critical driver of individual and organizational success, yet one that many find difficult. Whether remote or in-person, various factors, like overestimating negative consequences or fearing relationship fallout, often make both giving and receiving feedback feel high stakes. 

While virtual feedback has its own challenges—limited nonverbal cues, potential misinterpretation and technological barriers—the shift back to in-person conversations introduces new complexities. Body language, tone and the immediacy of face-to-face exchanges add layers of nuance that leaders may feel less practiced in navigating.

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